Presentation formats


Oral presentations will require a Microsoft Office PowerPoint format and should be submitted at the EAAOP5 Symposium on a USB memory stick; alternatively, presentations on CD-ROM can be considered. The time for each Oral Communication is 15 min + 5 min including questions and discussion. The total time for each Plenary Lecture is 40 min, for Keynote Lectures is 25 min and for Student Paper Communications (SPC) is 5 min (see more about SPCs).


Poster sessions will provide an opportunity for authors to display results of their scientific work. Posters will be exhibited on a billboard.

To present your poster accurately, please follow the instructions below:

  • Maximum poster size: 125 cm (height) x 95 cm (width)
  • Your poster should be readable from a distance of 1.5 m
  • We will provide material for attaching your poster (pins)
  • Authors are expected to be present by their poster during the session
Student Paper Communications

The aim of a Student Paper Communication (SPC) is to provide an opportunity and friendly atmosphere for young scientists to present (oral) and discuss (poster) their works. In this context, SPC sessions (scheduled for 26, 27, 28 and 29 of June) will consist of short-oral presentations (5 min maximum - MANDATORY) without any additional time for questions. Facilities at the venue will permit Power-Point presentations. Please provide the presentation to the EAAOP5 Organizing Committee at least one day in advance to the day scheduled for the presentation or, as alternative, send your presentation by email indicating the corresponding EAAOP5 reference at

These presentations should attract the attention of the audience since each SPC session is followed by a Poster Session where EAAOP5 participants will have the opportunity to discuss the work with the presenting author. Authors should print the poster and bring it with them to the conference.